Why do you need to focus on the pH of drinking water for safe drinking?

We all have heard the term PH in science textbooks or often through mainstream media but what does it mean? PH is a measurement of the hydrogen-ion concentration in any solution which contains water. Low pH values indicate a higher number of hydrogen ion concentrations in any solution containing water. Low pH values indicate the… Continue reading Why do you need to focus on the pH of drinking water for safe drinking?

What are the benefits of choosing packaged drinking water over normal water?

As they say, water is life, but you need to understand what kind of water you are drinking. Is it the best-packaged drinking water? or some sort of normal water. If you prefer the latter part then you are likely a risk of developing a range of diseases. In this article, we provide you with a few… Continue reading What are the benefits of choosing packaged drinking water over normal water?

Why does packaged drinking water need to be alkaline to a particular percentage?

When you are buying a bottle of packaged drinking water you might not end up giving a glance at the ingredients, but as one of the best-packaged drinking water suppliers of Kolkata, we tried to make it a point to you about what exactly we target our waters to be like. This article is the result… Continue reading Why does packaged drinking water need to be alkaline to a particular percentage?